Monday, August 25, 2008

Can Opener

After a painfully squished red eye flight from LAX to BWI, my East Infection 2008 journey began with quality time with my parents.

We started off with breakfast in Baltimore with Uncle Carl and Lucky the Wonder Dog.

Followed by a scenic trip through the backroads of Delaware.

We enjoyed sausage and pork sandwiches at world famous, Amish run - Spence's Bazaar.

Last night, we got crabs at the Boondocks.

Boondocks 018

Boondocks 014

Boondocks 004

Boondocks 010 rev

Boondocks 012

While at Boondocks, I finally lived out my childhood dream and got the chance to order a drink they call "Swamp Water." Swamp Water consists of a lot of booze, green food coloring, and a real live cattail (the plant, not the animal).

Boondocks 008

It tasted just like the color green!

* * *

But the real event of my time in Dover involved my father and his can.

Thanks to the wonderful world of digital photography and giant can of Folger's Coffee, my father has recently stumbled onto something extraordinary - Still Life Photographs from the perspective of the bottom of a coffee can.

Over the course of the past few months, my father has sent me the following series of photos that must be shared with the world...


Petunias In A Can.


The Ruane House In a Can.


Sasha the Cat In A Can.


MamaRu in a Can.


Squirrel On A Fallen Tree In A Can.


Water Bike In A Can.


Mustache In A Can.

When my little sister went home a few months ago, she got to go in a can...


...and I might have gotten more than a little jealous.

So clearly I needed to get my photo in a can. But it couldn't just be me in a can.

I wanted something special.

Something beyond extraordinary.

And so I give you...


Jon and Miles the Monster In A Can.

As an added bonus, here's...


PapaRu and Miles the Monster In A Can.

Jeff in a Can coming soon to a blog near you.


Unknown said...

I'm so jealous right now that I may vomit. Mom and Dad clearly love you the best. Spence's? Boondocks? Miles the Monster???


Anonymous said...

I am so happy you're finally IN A CAN! I was waiting for this pic. xoxox

InALittleMinute said...

i love the can idea! I think your dad has stumbled upon a very catchy idea!

LostGirl said...

I want to see "Can in a Can." Very Warhol.

P.S. The word verification for this post is "yitnjog." Ok.